More About Me.
While still a child, I wanted to be fit and strong. When my friends were reading comic books, wishing they would wake up looking like the hulk - I was reading about real-life superheroes.
Turn of the century strongmen and wrestlers I noticed all had one thing in common: they trained seriously hard to get as strong as they were. So that’s where I started.
Now I use a combination of old school techniques and bang up to date science and equipment to train my clients to the highest possible standards. These techniques were getting results for hundreds of years before Instagram workouts took over.
It is my mission to teach people to move with excellent form so that they don’t get injured during training. To progress them safely, using methods that they enjoy using. I believe strongly that people should look forward to the gym.
I love seeing people develop their confidence and skills in the gym. Clients might start the session thinking that something looks too complicated for them to even try but by the end of the hour?
They are walking out of the gym having learned a new skill that they can practice on their own. I love empowering my clients to enjoy their training, making it fun for them and celebrating their results with them.